Nowadays most people think of themselves before others. "It's the way of life", some might say. The common thought is "First let's see what I get, then I'll see what I can give... If I have time."
Notice all the "I"s in that last sentence? This, of course is elementary school material. We are taught to share by an authoritarian figure. Our parents command us to love our brothers and sisters. Like the T-101 put it in Terminator 2, "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."
Can this vicious cycle be broken? Can we teach others
to give and not have the hope of receiving in return? Most people that go to church only do it for the promises that the preacher gives them. According to Ray Liotta's character in the film Revolver, this is the major driving force in all of humanity something to the effect of "What's in it for me?" Most wouldn't hesitate to agree with him.
It all starts with oneself, if you can change yourself, you can change the world. Start with something easy. Try not to say one single curse word for a week. It sounds trite, but it's more difficult than you think. Then you move onto something harder. Try not to insult anyone in that same amount of time, either with words or actions, neither harshly nor softly. Once you can do this you're on your first steps towards selflessness.
Jesus said to the rich young ruler, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” in Mark 10:21. Only when we give are we free to receive not the other way around. Giving doesn't cost, it pays.
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