Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Transformed Lives

As Dr. Harry A. Ironside preached one day, he noticed a man in the crowd writing on a card, which he presently handed to the speaker. The man was Arthur Lewis, an agnostic lecturer, and he proposed a challenge to the speaker to debate the subject, “Agnosticism versus Christianity,” and offered to pay all expenses involved.
Dr. Ironside read the card aloud to his audience and then said: “I accept on these conditions:
“First, that you promise to bring with you on the platform one man who was once an outcast, a slave to sinful habits, but who heard you or some other infidel lecture on agnosticism, was helped by it and cast away his sins and became a new man and is today a respected member of society, all because of your unbelief.
“Second, that you agree to bring with you one woman who was once lost to all purity and goodness, but who can now testify that agnosticism came to her while deep in sin and implanted in her poor heart a hatred of impurity and a love of holiness, causing her to become chaste and upright, all through a disbelief in the Bible.”
“Now, sir,” he continued, “if you will agree, I promise to be there with one hundred such men and women, once just such lost souls, who heard the gospel of the grace of God, believed it and have found new life and joy in Jesus Christ our Savior. Will you accept my terms?”
As might be expected, the atheist could only walk away silently.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Adorar a Sus pies

San Mateo 2:11;4:10;9:18;20:20
Mark 7:7
Luke 24:52
John 9:38
Matthew 4:10
Luke 19:37-40

Sin amor, tu no puedes casarte. Sin amor no puedes decir que tu amas.
Comparar cualquier amor con el del Maestro Salvador Jesus, es una falta de reverencia hacia Dios. Porque dice el apostol Juan en John 9:38, ahora el negar que Jesus era uno con El Padre y lo seguira siendo por la eternidad. La persona que nego esto no esta bien de la cabeza. Y su doctrina o la manera que interpreta la biblia es incorrecta. A Cristo no nomas lo amamos, por que es el mismo Dios, sino tambien por que es el Hijo de Dios, y tambien porque dio Su vida por ti, y por mi. Si se te hace poco esto, nos habia de dar motivos para amarlo mas cada dia. Porque quien dara Su vida por salvar la de otro. Yo creo que nadie. Que el Padre, El Hijo, y El Espiritu Santo te bendigan hermano, Amen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Worship what you do not know

John 4:1-24, Vers 21
Matthew 24:2, John 4:10,21

Looking at Jesus, nailed to the cross, you can go day by day getting rid of the 'I'. That is the only thing human beings do; we stand for pride. Because even though we are good Christians and walk with our Bible under our arm, as we look intently at the cross, and each day realize the sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary. For you and me. Let us go gradually and slowly feel the wounds he received to defeat the evil one then got to know a bit more of and what we should do to acquire the character of our Lord Jesus Christ. Look right to the cross, brother. Make no mistake it is to take your own cross, it is to bring with you the sacred scriptures and study them daily with prayer and fasting; so what you study becomes a source of spirituality springing up to eternal life. This can be achieved only by the words that the beloved disciples wrote in the book of Revelation. Rev. 14:12. Doing this in your own mind realizing that your relationship with God is growing more intimate. Jesus said "learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.", that is the example to follow. May He bless us.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

La boda y las virgenes

Este estudio es para que nosotros como pueblo de adventista de Dios, tengamos cuidado de cuando nos reunimos con nuestras familias, ellos pueden ser la gente que el enemigo de las almas usa. Para que nosotros podamos participar en errores como los que hacian muchos en los mismos dias de Jesus. En esta tierra, en aquellos dias era facil por el interes a los bienes materiales y ahoy por igual estamos en el mismo peligro por muchas razones. Por eso, hermanos tenemos que mantenernos unidos en la fe de Jesus, preparandonos cada dia para que el dia que llegue el Novio, nuestras lamparas esten limpiezitas y llenas de aceite. Y nuestros embaces de aceite llenos y siempre sobrios. Esa es la unica manera que no nos saquen de la boda y que nuestro traje este blanco porque lo lavamos con la preciosa sangre del Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo. Hermanos que no te diga el que hizo la fiesta "Sacadle fuera". Que te diga mejor "Posa hijo, sobre poco haz sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondre. Entra en el gozo de tu SeƱor." Que El te bendiga. Amen.